Friday, December 19, 2008


Since I last posted I went to a networking event on the phone and online. You can enroll yourself by going to, and it's free. You create a profile, much like you do in Linked In, but not that extensive (it's not necessary for this). You then go through the scheduled events list and sign up. There are at least thirty to fifty a month and they are geographically centered. This means you are networking with locals. My group was Boston Speed Networking. There were 39 people on the call and I spoke to 13.

This is how it works: there are ninety minutes scheduled. You dial in and bring up the website at the designated time. When the event begins, you are moved around randomly every five minutes. A clock ticks in the right corner of the screen allowing you to see how much you have to say (both of you). When the five minutes is up, you are automatically pulled away from that person and wait thirty seconds for the screen to change (you see that person's profile so you immediately get an idea who they are). You can exchange numbers or tips or ideas with anyone, even those with whom you have little in common. At the end of the ninety minutes, everyone's name you were matched against comes up and you can send an email. I sent seven and received close to the same amount, but not necessarily the same people. I have two follow-up appointments, one with a recruiter and the other with a writer.

Why is this good networking? You can do it from home. You are forced to connect to people. You cannot waste any time warming up: you are there for a purpose, and you quickly get to the point. You have an obligatory departure so you don't have to walk away and feel guilty. You can see the person if they posted a picture and you get all their information in front of you, not just a name tag with a company name. But the big prize is this: you have an immediate chance to follow up. You don't go home from the event and look at the business card and enter it into your address book and then wonder when you'll contact that person or why you wanted to in the first place.

This is  VERY GOOD business. Try it.


  1. Hi, I came across a link to this blog post at Blitztime. I am thinking of signing up but as a graduating senior in college, the only barrier that I perceive is that this networking system suits business professionals. However, I am very attuned to the needs for honing networking skills in the professional world and I would be interested to know whether you believe that this site will be beneficial for me. Would you want to spend 5 minutes speaking to a college student?

  2. Yes I would spend 5 minutes speaking to a college student. Imagine the contacts you will make and the networking practice you will gain! I welcome you to join our next Blitztime Event Monday, Feb 23rd at 1pm
    Looking forward to networking with you medusa.

    Dawn Quesnel, CPCC, PCC

  3. I would spend more than five minutes talking to a college a student, or any student. One of my designers is 19 years old and is in college while running his own business online. My children ages 12, 17, and 19 have been working and have their own businesses as they have been taught to think outside the box and learn from Mom who has been working online for ten years. Some of the most brilliant people I know are college age and younger.

    Lena Hunt
    Join me at Blitz Time:
