Well, here's some out of the box thinking: every day do three things to combat fear of job loss, of work stagnation, or of a business drought.
- Name the fear (ex: business is slow and I may be fired, or I may lose the business I own)
- Create a vision (I will be performing at my peak and help what business we have)
- Do one thing to improve yourself, your performance, or to validate the good work of others. Do it, no matter how small or routine. Do it.
We are in a phase of not only economic recovery, but also of true reinvention. That's the good news. If all the stimulus packages from Washington are meant to create consumer confidence, one thing each of us can do for ourselves is create personal confidence.
Why is this so important? Because without confidence we stagnate. We atrophy. We shrivel up and fear eats away at us from the inside out. I'm not speaking of normal healthy fear: see a doctor when you have a persistent cough. I'm talking about the daily news, the large layoffs, the gloom and doom thrown at us day in and day out.
Every act based on the best possible picture is creative. Each creative act lifts human energy. Enlivened human energy begets confidence, even in the face of no certainty as to outcome. Fear kills creativity. It's time to turn that on its head.
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